What does it make you feel when you see a barefoot woman/girl?

Tiptoe Joe

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Sep 21, 2023
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I think everyone feels a little different when seeing the bare feet of a (beautiful) woman: Some are aroused, others disgusted. I.m.o. most people don´t even care...

For my part, it is a strongly intimate moment: Here and now I have permission to see THAT body-part that is normally kept hidden in shoes or socks.
I start to inspect those feet: The skin-tone, the shape of the foot and the toes...how they move etc.
Are others watching too? Do they think/feel the same? Does the woman know about the effect her bare feet might have on the people around her?
For her, taking off the footwear surely is no sexual act - f.e. she´s just feeling too hot in her shoes/socks. Maybe she feels more comfortable without her footwear. Or it´s a matter of good behaviour when entering the house/flat of a friend in summer.
Barefoot (and in Jeans) she looks vulnerable...innocent and it's so damn hard not to stare at those feet all the time.

Well, I think that sums it up quite well. What about you?Are your feelings/thoughts compareable to mine?

Sorry for my probably "strange" English - I´m no native speaker. :)


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
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Your English was great in this post. I loved reading it. I often think "I can't believe it's even legal for women to show their feet, even in sandals" for me its very sexual.

I stare a lot. I'll try to find a spot to stand or sit where I can look closely without drawing attention and just adore them for as long as I can if she's attractive.

I love it. Butterflies.

Tiptoe Joe

Active member
Sep 21, 2023
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Your English was great in this post.
Thx! It is a mix of school-English and Deepl. :p

True: For me watching her walking around barefoot is compareable to watching her stripping or being completely naked.
And I always try to figue out if a womans/a girls feet match her face...I mean: If she has beautiful feet too when I like her face.
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Jan 17, 2024
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In a word, Wonder.
From a young age I always noticed peoples feet. From aunt's & cousins feet around the house in her wedges, to peoples on the beach or in the water. Other kids in the park, and later I noticed I honed in on the other girls in the class. I thought at first , because of how I sometimes perceive or understand things in life...that I was marveling at the mechanics of "how a foot" works.
Why this shape, these curves, this arch, these pressure points...all the whys that made a "foot" do the very thing its designed for. I remember being like this with clocks, and watches in general before...needing to know the "why" why this gear turns, why these cogs are needed, why is this level or this spindle there.....so I thought this was more like that time....but as I hit middle school I was aware of how often I was subconsciously focusing on other women's feet.
How her arches are flat cause she walks in flats/ sandals a lot. How her feet look squashed and overly "filled" because she is bigger then I am, then she "should " be? how she must run a lot because her feet look muscular and very weathered. All the "why's " became "how's" . As I also was dealing with "how" these thoughts sat with me the "why am I thinking these things?" I kept asking myself as a youth, became "how come I cant NOT think about this?" besides the rigors of adolescence most would go through, I also had to keep in mind this fascination with feet would set me even further apart from what others felt was "normal".
I was never good at normal... this much was already clear. I didn't laugh with the others or even talk with them. It wasn't in my nature to, but I wanted to. I just couldn't. I resided in a world where everyone was able to bring their thoughts into the world with a few words, where I had to settle for gestures and scribbles on a paper.....and now atop that my adolescent-self was realizing that besides being relegated to keeping up a lively conversation being only possible via text...I had to find a way to deal with my interest in other's feet...in other women's feet, in others who were women?...Id say high school was easy when figuring out all this would be a lie...but I had a few friends that lessened the burden. One who didn't judge me and to this day loves me for who I am, even if I couldn't give him the love he want's back. I'm grateful, truly for him. We compliment each other, like utensils in fine dining. We each were clearly made for different purposes, and neither of us ended up where we should have; but we made each others life easier, and lighter. "We're both sporks, and this world wants us to be a spoon and/or fork each. We tried to be. I a fork, you a spoon..., but fate didn't like that plan did it" he would say.
In some ways he had it easier, he knew they stared at us both, but he didn't have to endure their looks, just their unkind words...fortunately he spoke up for me....and I looked out for him. We balanced out each others positives and negatives well. He's just better with people, and emotions, and just "peopling"...But for someone who wants to see the good in others he never sees their cruelty coming....but that's my role, I look for danger and see ways to avoid or prevent it....but I'm sidetracked....
Anyways, it didn't take him long to tell me what I knew but couldn't tell myself. "Look, I may not exactly be known for seeing the obvious, but it would be tough for you not to be seen as someone who likes women" he told me quietly one day. He wasn't his usual self, full of boisterous energy and endless charisma. He, he knew I needed to hear him say it to me, not the word. He was right. I was into women, just not for the reasons he thought, at least now seeing in hindsight, not entirely. We chatted and he was the first I told, even though he technically told me first that I was into women, but I also felt emboldened by my friends kindness and security...So I told him about my obsession with women's feet.
He could have acted like a "guy" or just outright laughed, but instead he just hugged me, and told me that its fine. I don't know why but that reassurance is what I deeply needed. I wasn't used to this much confidence and trust in my own thoughts and desires, I wasn't getting it at home.....So now knowing the truths of mine. He gave me his truth, his deep love and care for me. I'd always seen him as my rescue and refuge in life's storm, but he was of an entirely different mindset. In his world of false faces and whispers heard, my silence and solidarity, my careful and keen foresight to shroud us from the dangers of youth and adolescence was as much his shield for things he couldn't bear, as his actions and attitude were mine. So we came to know each other, far better than we began, and yet nothing need change. Our "normal" was abnormal, and so were we both, but "we" could still be "us", and the world had half assumed this truth as is....so why fight the tide? we agreed. He indulged my nature, and I his, but we both kept true to each other. I experimented, found my confidence my "voice" the the world as it were... and it brought me out of asking "how" and more to "who".
After a few years of us both being back to back and side by side, all while looking for "who we are", "who we could be" and "who was meant for us" I had had a few chances to indulge in finally enjoying my fetish up close and personal. Finally finding someone who for a time, shared my interest and also captivated my soul. We were very involved with each other, and my friend was happy for me. It wasn't meant to be, she wasn't meant to be. Somehow id had almost 3 years with this person, had so many passionate nights, incredible days, and very few if any sleepless nights or dark times...and yet I couldn't shake it. I had everything I wanted. I had a great gal who happily indulged my passion, and shared it! Yet I didn't feel complete, didn't feel "alright". My mind wandered to and fro. I caught myself on more than one instance "actively involved" with this woman, and somehow had my friend on my mind. Finally I couldn't lie to her or myself anymore. We broke it off, she was upset and cruel...and I felt miserable as it was, but after a time even that tempest of emotions in both our hearts subsided...and we parted....
My "who" became "what"...."what have I done"..."what happens now"...."what will she say about me to others"..."what will he think of me...after all this time, changing my mind" Somehow I was now an adult and I felt more lost than I did as a teen girl more than a decade ago....But I knew one thing, I DID want what I just had, but I also somehow knew I wanted him, I wanted something with him anyway....This stuff this "emotional jargon" I wasn't good with....now I really needed to be. I didn't want to lose what little I had, and especially I didn't want my stupid desire for "more " to cost me my best and truest friend. We still hung out often and were as close knit as could be. This could change all that... and just as I mustered the courage and words to type out to tell him what my life had become, and what I was feeling he rang me up. He didn't sound like his usual self.
He'd been with someone too. She was good to him and seemed great...and admittedly looked amazing. I'd long grown out of being an "ugly duckling" but she made me feel inferior, at least as far as physical looks were concerned....Apparently she really was much more focused on looks. He came over and was shaky in his speech. his words didn't carry their usual weight. explained she had been into him for his physical prowess and feats in athletics, but had slowly grown more snide and unapproving of how kind and In touch with his soul he was. He may have looked the lion, but he was a lamb at heart...and she wanted no less than the inside to match the out....and when he finally said no, she left him all because she found his best quality...my favorite part of him....to be a flaw.
Her words hurt him far more than he or I thought possible. He had grown used to people attacking his physical self, for his scars or for his build, or for his over focus on improving his physique because its something he took pride in.....but all who knew him acknowledged his kindness when he chose to share it.....so someone finally discarding it shook his very foundations... We sat drinking and talking in circles. My "rock" had cracked, he was broken by this person....and I seen all the bad my words I so desperately wanted to say could do....He thought she cared for him, and wanted him, and liked how he was....and no realizing that was a lie.....it was all I could do to not just tell him "I too now like and want you like that, I didn't realize I did till now" but how would that sound now.......for a few weeks I did what a friend should, I let him lean on me, and gave him time to heal. Finally when he was starting to get it past him, my luck ran out. He had a chance run in my My ex and his very existence seemed to spark her wrath. She lashed out at him for all my actions and threw it in his face that she and I were no more. Her twisting this knife in his already open wounds caused him agony. He confronted me, as soon as he could meet me. I've never seen him so mad....and I could do nothing but listen and hang my head. He was mad I hadn't told him, that she knew before he did... but most of all he was mad I had been with him these past weeks cheering him up and neglected to mention how I was feeling
To say I cried would be an understatement... He could have been vile and cruel and thrown my choice to end one relationship to try and start one with him in my face. He could have told me to get lost and cut me out of his life...He could have just left me like others had, all cause I couldn't find the words when I needed to....and instead his heart wept. He was angry I didn't tell him how much I cared that night we sat and drank together....How I didn't even let him know I was hurting. He didn't care I had needed time to figure out myself. He didn't care I had "taken a long time" to realize I did care for him like he did me....He only cared if I still felt like that. We made up, and consoled each other, and then the joy set in. He and I had found "who" and "what".

These days have been good, since then its been 7 years. We both enjoy my fetish for feet and he makes me feel like a goddess. He rubs and plays with my feet as often as he can get his hands on them....and has come to realize how much luckier he is I keep mine well looked after and moisturized. he's also realized It's quite a lot of fun to bring me to social gatherings where he knows there will be women showing off their feet, just to watch me squirm as the introvert in the room whos all hot and bothered by all the lovely ladies around who flock to his charismatic self.....but unlike them I get to take him home.

So if not for how wonderful feet are, id have never found "my person", my soulmate.... and been rewarded with so much joy and laughter in life.
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Tiptoe Joe

Active member
Sep 21, 2023
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Indeed - that was awesome. :)

Btw. why do barefoot girls in jeans turn me on so much? What´s so special about this combination?
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Active member
Jan 17, 2024
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Ditto tiptoe, idk why but it's one of the best combination of clothes vs not clothed girls.
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Foot Model Verified
Jul 16, 2023
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I often walk barefoot even in public places
This usually attracts the attention of some men, who smile and stare at my feet.
When I notice interest in my feet, I sometimes stretch my legs to show my toes and soles, put my feet together and rub soles, or interlace my toes
I do all this casually to avoid being noticed
I'm having fun and I think those watching are having fun too


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Jan 17, 2024
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Same Ann, if I'm out a lunch or on a patio or even just in a meeting, I usually dangle my shoes or scrunch my soles out of my shoes or even just wiggle my toes. If I happen to spot a guy who's noticed I tend to play coy and ignore him but keep showing off.

Tiptoe Joe

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Sep 21, 2023
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@Ann & Sonya

That´s...evil! :D

Well, there have been several situations in my life which almost drove me mad:

1) A good friend of my girlfriend (we were around 20 y.o.) came over to say hello. It was a hot summer-day and so she took off her shoes before entering our flat. She was barefool for almost 2h and I couldn´t stop watching!!

2) Me and my (the same) girfriend were invited to a garden-party. It turned out that I was the only boy. Later that day, the girls decided to put their naked feet into a large bucked filled with cool water (and asked me to join them). So I put my feet in between 6 other feet-pairs.

3) Two years ago my neighbours asked me to come over for some barbecue. His wife is a blonde cutie and I had always been curious about her feet. That day, she took of her Flip Flops and walked around barefoot for the rest of the day. Later, we went inside their house and she asked me to take of my Shoes as well. Since I was only wearing Flip Flops, I had to go barefoot myself. This was strange but also...phew!!! (I posted the pics here).

That´s my point: Seeing barefoot girls at the swimming pool or in a sauna is nothing too special for me since it´s a common behaviour in those places.
What makes me almost collapse is when a girl takes of her shoes in her house or in our house when she comes over as a visitor.
Also seeing naked feed in a train, in the supermarkets or in the public make my heart explode.
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Propan Butan

Sep 17, 2023
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North West
I love leggings socks over them and white trainers or socks plus sliders/clogs. Of course, the woman has to meet my minimum requirements. I fantasize about how her feet look like or how stinky and sweaty they are. Obviously stinky natural smell, not bloody trench foot. I have seen fit girls with ugly feet and ugly girls fit perfect feet it is like the lottery. If see feet I like all my senses go crazy

30869170544_edb0a389a4_z95d799708ed099e3.md.jpg FFN_Kardashian_North_BJJ_STOIANOV_080714_5149721883aceb7858fb5fdd.jpg Kendall-Jenner-wears-white-socks-with-Yeezy-Slides-in-Bone7cc73abc91af4ee6.md.jpg main-qimg-5944f6eee84c96a4b79888072a4b96f360aacef484b5506e.md.jpg photo1jpg3412e0326fe7ea54.jpg ti0nvqh0g37b1bcfda3615e4e44ca.md.jpg womens-nike-socks-286645-1586308833190-square9265a3a04cf2faf8.md.jpg


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
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I’d rather see a ehh looking woman with sexy feet than a hot chick with nasty feet
A lot of big booty chicks have some beat up lame feet while regular plain Jane mom walks by with a perfect pedi in some slides giving everyone a show
Sooooooo true. I'll take perfect feet and a pretty face any day


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Mar 11, 2024
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I will write something more from myself, although I am afraid that people are reluctant to read long posts.

I read everything you write here. The story described by @Sonya_Shinhouin charmed me.
High substantive level and beautiful, sublime language, which indicate the author's high emotional sensitivity and her level of personal culture.
I am not a native speaker, but I "feel" the language because I have been reading English literature for many years. I would like to be able to write so well in this language someday.
But back to the topic of this post. Currently, foot fetishists have unlimited access to the content that interests them. The creators of mainstream porn movies and photos, realized that foot fetish is so popular that it is worth having a model or porn actress take off her shoes during a sexual act or during a photo session because it will attract more people.
The same situation occurs on webcams. Girls are now more willing to perform without shoes there.

I think the general availability of photos and videos of women showing their feet reduces the sexual arousal of viewing this type of content.
People now are looking for content where women's feet are visible quite spontaneously. Of course, the situations in which we see it "live" - that is, we experience it personally, are what excite us the most.
However, when we are unable to participate in situations in which we may have the opportunity to see women's feet, we look for content that looks like documented evidence of someone participating in such a situation and taking photos or videos.
This type of truly amateur content appears on forums or Facebook groups, which is why they are so frequently visited. Any commercial websites that boast about amateur materials taken with hidden cameras make us fear that these photos and videos are in fact staged.

More about my own experiences. A view of a woman playing with her shoes in a public space. Dangling, dipping and heelpopping. When I remember this sight while masturbating, I become more aroused and I come faster than when I watch photos of a beautiful girl on Instagram, even if she declares that she is a fetishist of her own feet and loves to show them.

I also noticed that women's feet have a great influence on my life choices.
A less attractive woman with beautiful feet is more interesting to me than a pretty woman with ugly feet.
So if I go on a date with a girl on a nice summer day and she comes on the first date wearing sports shoes, I will think that her feet must smell beautiful after spending many hours in these shoes.
But if this girl comes to the next two dates wearing closed shoes, I'm starting to think that she must have a problem with her feet and hates showing them off. She is no longer attractive to me and there will be no fourth date.
I know it sounds terrible because she may have a wonderful mind and soul, but I'm just a guy.
Maybe you'll say that I could try harder and get her into bed on the third date and see myself what her feet are like, but honestly, I'm conservative, and besides, if I was in bed with a woman and she had terrible feet, I wouldn't get an erection. It could cause her great embarrassment, and I could also expose myself to ridicule.
After all, nothing scares us more than the vision of erection problems in an intimate situation.
So when a girl I'm going on a date with comes in open shoes, preferably flip-flops, I immediately see her feet and feel that she's interesting to me. I will be happy to arrange further meetings with her and establish a closer acquaintance or even a relationship if I am charmed by her psyche.

I think this is a serious problem. How many years I lost with women who had beautiful feet, but after a long time it turned out that they were not women with whom I could spend the rest of my life. Sometimes I wonder that completely normal guys, for whom women's feet don't matter at all, have it much easier. For me, a woman not only has to be physically and mentally attractive, but she also has to have attractive feet.

What do you think about this? What does this situation look like for you?
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Active member
Jan 17, 2024
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I will write something more from myself, although I am afraid that people are reluctant to read long posts.

I read everything you write here. The story described by @Sonya_Shinhouin charmed me.
High substantive level and beautiful, sublime language, which indicate the author's high emotional sensitivity and her level of personal culture.
I am not a native speaker, but I "feel" the language because I have been reading English literature for many years. I would like to be able to write so well in this language someday.
But back to the topic of this post. Currently, foot fetishists have unlimited access to the content that interests them. The creators of mainstream porn movies and photos, realized that foot fetish is so popular that it is worth having a model or porn actress take off her shoes during a sexual act or during a photo session because it will attract more people.
The same situation occurs on webcams. Girls are now more willing to perform without shoes there.

I think the general availability of photos and videos of women showing their feet reduces the sexual arousal of viewing this type of content.
People now are looking for content where women's feet are visible quite spontaneously. Of course, the situations in which we see it "live" - that is, we experience it personally, are what excite us the most.
However, when we are unable to participate in situations in which we may have the opportunity to see women's feet, we look for content that looks like documented evidence of someone participating in such a situation and taking photos or videos.
This type of truly amateur content appears on forums or Facebook groups, which is why they are so frequently visited. Any commercial websites that boast about amateur materials taken with hidden cameras make us fear that these photos and videos are in fact staged.

More about my own experiences. A view of a woman playing with her shoes in a public space. Dangling, dipping and heelpopping. When I remember this sight while masturbating, I become more aroused and I come faster than when I watch photos of a beautiful girl on Instagram, even if she declares that she is a fetishist of her own feet and loves to show them.

I also noticed that women's feet have a great influence on my life choices.
A less attractive woman with beautiful feet is more interesting to me than a pretty woman with ugly feet.
So if I go on a date with a girl on a nice summer day and she comes on the first date wearing sports shoes, I will think that her feet must smell beautiful after spending many hours in these shoes.
But if this girl comes to the next two dates wearing closed shoes, I'm starting to think that she must have a problem with her feet and hates showing them off. She is no longer attractive to me and there will be no fourth date.
I know it sounds terrible because she may have a wonderful mind and soul, but I'm just a guy.
Maybe you'll say that I could try harder and get her into bed on the third date and see myself what her feet are like, but honestly, I'm conservative, and besides, if I was in bed with a woman and she had terrible feet, I wouldn't get an erection. It could cause her great embarrassment, and I could also expose myself to ridicule.
After all, nothing scares us more than the vision of erection problems in an intimate situation.
So when a girl I'm going on a date with comes in open shoes, preferably flip-flops, I immediately see her feet and feel that she's interesting to me. I will be happy to arrange further meetings with her and establish a closer acquaintance or even a relationship if I am charmed by her psyche.

I think this is a serious problem. How many years I lost with women who had beautiful feet, but after a long time it turned out that they were not women with whom I could spend the rest of my life. Sometimes I wonder that completely normal guys, for whom women's feet don't matter at all, have it much easier. For me, a woman not only has to be physically and mentally attractive, but she also has to have attractive feet.

What do you think about this? What does this situation look like for you?
For English not being your native language, you speak quite well. Your kind words are appreciated.

Onto your statements; I imagine not getting to see their feet early can be a detriment to a continued interest in a partner? If that's the case, perhaps find ways for early outings to give the chance to see their feet? Swimming, a spa date, Indoor skydiving, one of those adult trampoline/ ball pit places/ "adventure room" places, bowling( odd, but she will have to take her shoes off to put on bowling shoes, so you may see her feet then??), a beach date, ect. ...

Any of these will better the odds of seeing her feet....and your going to find out right away how much she is comfortable with. If she shuns the beach but is fine with a spa day, it's likely she's not as confident in her self image vs not necessarily liking her feet seen..Or if she picks the skydiving or bowling the fact her shoes have to come off may get a "no" from her so you know she's going to be self conscious about her feet/ think they are gross. But if shes fine with any or all of them, or even none of them, just be respectful but assume she won't be fine with your fetish. Simply put while she MAY come around, it's likely she's not interested in this kink and isn't worth putting effort into ATOP trying to build a relationship.